A few months ago I posted a step-by-step guide on how to install Python 2.7.3 on CentOS 6.2. The guide started out as a personal cheat-sheet, but it didn’t take much work to massage it into something I could post here.
The only promotion of the guide I’ve done is to post a link to it from an answer on Stack Overflow. With only one useful article and almost no promotion this website is still getting 60+ unique visitors a day on weekdays.

I don’t understand why I get so many visitors, but much of the traffic comes from long tail (see below) organic search results on Google:

I like the idea of helping people and with numbers like these I feel compelled to put some more effort into this website. Expect to see more helpful articles in the future.
Ian Lurie defines long tail as:
Specific, niche search phrases, usually more than 2 words in length, that offer a low competition, low search volume and high searcher intent.
I found your guide from the stack overflow answer; now I’m looking for something on how to install django but I guess I won’t be able to find it here. Still, thanks for your one useful article =)
As a father of an 11 month old girl my spare time is limited. I have a handful of half-finished articles in the queue, but I’m not sure any of them will be finished before the topics are outdated. Comments like yours really make me want to finish a few but real life keeps interrupting me.
Installing Django is easy, at least for a “normal” setup. Check the online docs, they are excellent!